8 week ELEVATE KIDS Themes are on Wednesday during our D-Groups at 6:00 PM
ELEVATE KIDS is our midweek discipleship teaching for your kids
Elevate’s Core Principles Are Kid’s Ministry Focused
Elevate Is Biblically Driven All lessons emerge from a Bible Lesson and all lesson elements are built upon its foundation. We believe the Bible is the best leadership tool to equip children to become the leaders God designed them to be.
Elevate Is A Video-Based Curriculum Multiple video elements help you teach your lesson through a medium that kids love, engage with, and learn from during kids worship or Sunday School.
Elevate Is Theme-Based Every lesson resides within a theme to add variety to your teaching. Every 8 weeks a new series begins, overviewing a biblical topic or person. Our scope and sequence is vibrant, colorful, and looks like a theme park map because we want children to be excited about each upcoming themed series.
Elevate Is Application Specific Every lesson contains an applicational truth that children can relate to and incorporate into their everyday life, shaping their character in a godly manner and helping them become the leaders God designed them to be.
Elevate Is Designed To Help You Train Your Volunteers The best form of training is not to tell someone what to do, or have them read what to do, but to show them what to do. Therefore, all key elements of each lesson are filmed for your volunteers to watch and see what they are expected to do.
Children are precious to Jesus and to Forest Avenue! Our Children's Ministry is committed to helping you and your child work together to begin building the foundation for their relationship with Christ. We strive to organize, plan and promote family activities that will strengthen Christian values, relationships and spread the Gospel of Jesus. We offer age-graded Sunday morning Bible study groups led by experienced, energetic leaders. We also have a midweek teaching time called ELEVATE KIDS on Wednesdays 6:00 PM